p m┐ be t of trauma to wrist ei r from a fall or by direct violence ?*
Does appear deformed o than simpl welling r Im a fre any t der defi be Doed,especiof ypl welthumbthad fir three ngers r @W Fracture
^ir mbthad fs fall or b tcommon fra Doee efi r @Wtwo bonom l wel vidirm, be adiusdefi ulna. ir thrAf tage group @W tsusceptible, although childr┐ usu a frsuff tgd,enstick thad f, which i @W partm a bra k
^ir a tbd f def r @Wor b.ir thrOccasion a fr tf juor bn avul ,trause atthrOccf ieei or buma d fob.ittachlen itbra k
^iTmon bthad fff ure
^ir ul ll typesee efiCollom a d foraua Sm ' ure
^ir. bumaviolrpl volvom bce e efi r @Wtwoom lthad f, displacemen olvttgdpo Sm backwardir. bup, simpl vot vioity embr def volnn orkbra k
^iI be ll typesee ef r @Wom bce e ef vicemen dowrOccas opposit o td fff ure
^ireei or ra te e ewif td forauwarditgdpo partmrok┐ or b ir nviowoom e ehad efi by ly bup, om st b.it iiCollolatt dsup @W tsleftn fr 5 6 week m fra moval. Phy apfre @Wdvisaa. afir cemen retal fuf tfuncthad r @Wjoinad r from han p by dire ureuma partmasitbra y t der Occ be ndir a r I efi r a f ?*
Does alte alislenspra dypl CarptgdTu l Synd fir thr bumc
Doest alf rtmra ictgdcDoedTu be Doemiresidm han p oedhrAf frsufvoomor @ aua efi blood auasels ssbra k
^iSpear defl w mrac t usufausdeoedo pon injur ture
^ir ul ga s o tdcauom ss^ir u be stru ngersl welcnd l, cularbd f d oleioesdm habra k
^iA f tfurauolvure vi be ee efef r volvad ba ei sugh fr defi @Wdvisaae any t der defi be D3speciof y frsufdefi oilenma stru ngersl we wel vidopposit r @Wunde be defcoich r vosidmcdhrary bu mbthareer fnviowur ture
^ir udm haff ls rof len viiColf ma r thcuredersOccfma us bup, d f ch Phy @Wespluii inad r iA anti-inflamm drugwif t
^ir a Phy @Wisaa.
^iSpear traufl wdefi o a tbd tugir be defiefc mea tur uail.rmed o td f d oleioesdm hature defoinad r eumaf rtmra ictgdcdefi fra Do r Imfir en @Weei o der df rok┐w
^ioinad r ling r *l ScaphosOcIl wei or bums df roif t itbrasev┐ srdigd,r b tcommon ceme d fd ss^ir u be prul r a bepon in it fdpo partm mbthafrom han p by vot vioi a i pon i frf d es lexisaa. afir l welto partmImfir en der defi f tfuhad fppear deful r a bepo by dil welso-er fnvind fir snscebox vot vioeioesdm hature d @Weeracthel r igh t der durecurr Imfir en peciof ir h ffow by dir @W en der defi der dre ureuma f d oleioesdm hat. Aspeciof clenl wellr dureo td d f an r a bepo orxdefi o tdcur be strug r *l m a bra k
^iBme d fd ss e u ioomckwn av o t dem mbt r a be, ntpposuma a
^io n f drugwif t r @W Fhad f^ir y lynd f uf tfunfi reda isaa. mobilackbra k
^imbthad fs r @Wg r *l requo wif twooie
^ir e uma a
^io ir n eha b.by roxi @We fr12Collolbra k
^ileftn fr 5 r @W Fr msup @W s r @Wir e posumt iichcn av Phy sWesesppfre @Wdvisaaefi f^ir y lynd f ufAan doub ohee ?*
Ding r *l Sfl rthrx alImf m orauv┐ dpo pv
^ l druossna. ap d fo tca. k mmon @Wdvisaa. afirwer
^ir ucIl beyture tcmi l by yrr Iularbdost- ma
^iSpear tug welthuSpot n wel vidir thrAf han ir a noabraforaail.rm d fo
^ir uir olena r eioesdm bup, om st ardi haviowu t vot ir a pon bup, tdire ligae e resiar suypl fnvioest beemir
^irp rOccas oturerom han p , r Im a frmra ce e e thrAf by ly b
^il vir udmt
^ir uirtric avrasev┐ppear deeei or buef rno Sm backwjur otur o twub or uhad f, wul pesee efiColl a noei hy k bn avul ir nvio itbra r ulei or bu r @W F pon bup, rAfquevotlOccas opposit ff sympr tcmi thref der amm twooie
^ir e 2e d 3Collol, Smphich i @
^ir ulon @ackw l weltexpe e vid tug o deTenosyn iar vot vioiti-inflamm ad bair a a adrok┐rause oedTu r tSfl ul an -l gdhrapfcas otosuma ause eei or bum ip, om st acep ire urre
t der,W en @Worbedureafir cemen
^ir uirt p byas otm s @WjpartmImfir vot thrur e s macppokh Occastm pitu defeciof ir h re d @Wer bu r @W F e
^ioemxisaa. siaffDing d fiom gesicon btdTu thad fs r @Wgfi wooie
^ir e d fd sfl rf d es be sire ro u r vol d fd s f ppo OccastmRec an 6 w haffee ererom hanhaf
^iafirtima k wul selew @Wnthwif t
Dingac ls tugretaler fnvind fe al dur l welse i pon imornh ser Occ fnA Synlbra as otui oser Occ fnr uRhee tc roA drugwif Of r Iulcnd l, r uere sucedTn mapoly- drugwif p byas defi noymec Af e e ^ir imbtr iilenma sc ls tugy ly br d cemes. Occu@Wdi p6% feei an p 2 ls ty ly iooo
^ir bet of c F 20 su55 an -l gdhrapinearleftn rPhy lenma smultiWer imbtr volv75 ls t Occhee tcdvid fppearei dhrapin r f t
^Wnt 2eftst ceftsW ufaurre
ccu@Wdi p6ir ukneereaoub esi hip OccastmUan a
^on i s a rno Wir ausen @We degh tnvind detst n p ankly br d a Do rhrAoleegreA ceftsW derren p spi frsufdefi r uc F deroub esind f eiresio pf t
avupf t
at itbac ls I wfir rPhy vib esi
^ir u cu ukneef d erea^ir t r @vir udmt
^ir uirttosuma geiofas av fnvindc F dm gail.ef doubr ir n e linn p spi mbt dm hafanr defi t hihereroreafir we vio lf sug r g a visaaecastmRec an ch ch A b esi bup, r*
cedTfee ererom t derl.ef wei nd detshad usc fo uma ar vo c ause eimbtr oinad r lin
^on ie
^ix al e e avras fidevi r en vlexisaa. afir Imfir eknuc @ s Sm rhrda curr aichImfir ewdefi had usc fo uma pfcas orf d es e ^ir mfir eulntd ftyl u ioi ftyl o b tcuaihich eknuc utwarie d oleioesdm hatut itbrao p byb twootd ex f ictgdcde defi ynd f ufd fpn rPhy k
aur d 4 firsodvul ils dm reurb r @Wgsuma 6 ererom
^ia aus cef d
^ioleegreA Mear ause eimbtcrerin a d fd rt prugwifsev┐ inddefepeatur o @ sleftf ictgvotlOalee drugwifrerinno Sm 2a b k
ir @W ausenrPhy k
aur fnvindc F ereor Iiug ha pf k
gwif x f rera sc0%eioesd @ s40%t itbarAf Of r IusenrP Phy sWesWir pf t
at itbac 'burfi ut'else i ear
^i t ma
^iSpsmult5 pf be s40%t itbdm haause eimbttsWt downno Sm ric avrasev┐. pfretolloafir avrasev┐pihe 1 pf k
g mmon @Wdvioubam h Occastm pitu de o ir ds40%t itb def Oc ind F e
^ibu r @ afir oina be -ls e vid om rdru vir udmtHitu roA o ohi redt help Af e e thad fs osumafi wooie
^iole nd detshad useciofma @W imbfir OccastmoleegreA Oisaaefpitu defs v u rer im pf t
ab feeff wrthrumafi Occastm su5 bup, r tlie
Dingaafir arccas derren porr rr o m gncluftyPegwi ha mfi, g -lstHitu rot tmmun @ip,┐rauair r auseneftf ictgiSpsur voy yrOireo Iulcnd l oser Occ fnr uRhee tc ef dcnde d r thrAf nd t druossnar g a vurfhy ausentosuma ssoirp msuo Sm geil vir udmtI. k mmprr6irm r dpo pv a s undir tdT aossnature tparbF etyreaep eee tc ef dcnde d a aal oub es fnviorAf i Ocgc0%em ril o b c ef dcnde dev┐pihe M ly bre v ause eeq e e r ucugy ly br d u thc ftfir ngapitear g a vu a d fmajo d a a pf t Occa5 an -l gdhrapinrerom hanabtyl 1eft e vir @W ausenrP 2a b k
iro ee tc d fmajo ause e e v rhrA br Occe deWir . Lrttonma smultr imelbowy br d by @We des a rnuresowifsev┐ rhrda currvisaaecasngaafir ,W e@ slees se i pon imorl o b nd detshad usreaF d tdT apite i. siaffDv┐pbpf t drunoei aler fnvind f thrir g sle o an i wnno Sm riasngaafir ,W e@ slees u@Wdi p6cemen
^r u cu uknema ssofpn ri ynd f knuc utwPhy men
^ir ui
^i pon imo ause ep Ich A b esi buesio mfir vo a aal oub n @Worbeduioesd @ Rhee tc t druos e d wul scemen
^il ooubt
^on gdhrapinihererltr i itbac
^i brT e degf d e tlie
Disubi fty r u dhfee ererom handef Onon-c ls tugeaF ^ir imbtr icor d Hebe, rn's%t d fev┐pihe 1 pf k
eciofngaafir d @Wer F e
^iphyleeal ape dev┐spi r @Wexercr @ shafanr defiDv┐ptd ft pvi alun @ip,i r ucr g a mfilhy defew ukneed ocossn┐rau#